Monday, April 23, 2012

Bankers Fall and Suspicions Rise

So I'm guessing most of you out there have heard of the Bankers around the glode stepping down from their positions. Atleast 400 Bankers steeping down is nothing to laugh at, especially if the bankers work for high up banks with comfortable positions. Now, You can look at this in more ways than one. Either the elite are getting ready for something or Some good force out there is taking a stand (clearly these are just two of the many views). Hopefully this is a good thing.

Friday, April 20, 2012

My, My, Aaron McCollum

Have you ever Heard of Aaron McCollum? Well, he's a super soldier who happens to know alot about the what goes on behind the scenes. In his interviews with Project Camelot, he talks about his childhood as a super soldier and his journey to find out the truth. He also talks about sea gates, training, and much more. The sea gates, and hollow earth are what got my attention. Clearly I have questions! For example, if earth is hollow where does lava come from, and What is down in hollow earth? Perhaps Satan was trapped down there and they finally got him out, only to have to constantly work to get him out of a cyro-sleep (another theory of mine brewing)? Who knows! Clearly I have questions.

You can find Aaron's Interviews on Youtube along with his channel.

Are You Prepare?

Hellow guys, I'm Back!
Lately I have been thinking alot about the readiness of individuals around the globe for a mass catastrophy, if one were to ever occur. Surely I'm not and I'm sure many of you are not either. The well being of you and your family come first, SO why not get prepared of anything. A well prepared First-Aid kit can go a long way, along with some stocked food to the side. A backpack full of clothes that are easy to wear and comfortable to run around with , along with a good pair of running shoes. Water is also assencial to our bodies for both inside and out. When stocking water make sure to have enough for drinking and usage for the amount of time your stocking up. Now If your preparing for huge civilization tearing catastrophy make sure you have all the above and a plan, such as where you will be going and items that will be useful for trade. Something else that would be very useful is a skill. Learn how to hunt, make a fire and what plants are good for what is extremely useful for those of you prepare for a huge catastrophy. Remember matches and hamburgers don't come out of thin air, nor does nature grow them for you. If you have a sort of fear that will stop you from doing certain things then you should take care of that fear. You don't want to go hungry because you couldn't kill and clean a deer.
Now, I didn't write this post to get your panties in a bunch but, It is good and useful to have these things avalable to you.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A New Theory: Reverse Super-soldiers

Have you ever thought maybe there are people out there like the super-soldiers that work with the good aliens but fight the evil aliens and organizations out there? Well, I did! Tell me that I have an over active Imagination, but then how would I know the things I do, and what to look for! Anyways, This is my theory. Now you might be asking yourself how are these (lets call them reverse super-soldiers) "reverse super-soldiers", how they work. When whoever it is that decides that someone should join their force or is a great candidate, "they" would bring the person in and ask them if they want to join. If they say yes, then "they" would train and put implants in them in a very humane way. "They" could be anyone who is in this organization; "they" could be alien or human, definitely a doctor or scientist of some sort. Anyways, The super-soldiers would then go on missions to destroy bases or stop the Illuminati or who knows what evil from moving forward. When the super soldiers are ready to go back to their life as a civilian, then "they" would lock their memories away and send them back home, until any farther need for them. While the soldier is away "they" probably leave something behind or do something so there are no suspicions.

What would we call these super-soldiers?
Now remember, This is only a theory/Idea I came up with and isn't in anyway fact. Yet if you have any proof, please share it below in the comment section. AND subscribe!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Barrier Between Worlds in Danger

Hellow guys, recently, I have come across some information from an amazing Wiccan by the name of lady T-Leif. Lady T-Leif and our group of witches have been coming across information about the weakening of the barrier between this world and the next. Although some things are not clear at the moment, we are our best to find out the truth. The barrier between this world and the next, or the barrier between the spirit world and us seems to become increasingly weakening this year. The barrier works like a filter only letting some negative energy in our "space". Recently the barrier is being absorbed  for the other side. We don't exactly know by what but what ever it is it's nasty. From all of this Lady T-Leif has been having horrible nightmares, and just now she believes she has found the meaning to these gruesome dreams. If you have any questions please ask! This is our conversation the topic:

sade - i know i was not wrong in this and i will not back down things need to be spoken about directly now because it does need to be sorted quickly nothing is getting done
starting tomorrow i'll be working on some material for posting on a different page, a training grounds page i have my orders and i do not wish to be trapped
because that is what is going to happen
we all will be trapped in a very bad place
and it is not a place you can escape easily
no amount of emma's you can do this and this to fight
if we can not and do not work together

bethy - then let me help

sade - there is no death from it bethy no hiding and it is the most horrible place there can be

bethy - i know your scared and worried but these are good people, one way or another

sade - if we are not a chain we will not notice how it will draw us in one by one
i never doubted people being good people i know that

bethy - then just let me help

sade - go a head

bethy - ok but Sade, dont leave me ok?

sade - but she still needs to belt up and fast

bethy - ok

sade - i'm still making this other page it will be a training ground
i can't sit still
not any longer
i've been told what i need to do so i will do it

bethy - who told you this?

sade - you may think i am being harsh
and not like it but it needs to be done
i don't know
i'm just told what to do through what i see
and if we are devided much longer we all will in the end become trapped
that is what will happen when it falls
there will be no death
just eternal torture
a food supply
engulfing us one by one

bethy - its the rapture

sade - no
its the falling of the veil

bethy - do you know when it will happen

sade - nope
whie some are saying very soon i'm not sure

bethy - do you feel around when?

sade - because of how old the world is soon could be by our time a long way a way
so it could be in months a few years or 20

bethy - ok

sade - but no amount of power will stop it if we are not a chain

bethy - ok then, ill try to bring the team together

sade - tomorrow i'll be starting on other things
lol sometimes i wish i just remembered it all and it just didn't pop up when i needed
but i think its there to help me keep my sanity
there is a possibility that the dreams also effect my memory
it happened to my cousin
she was given a choice accept the gift of knowledge and pay the price of memories
she had the choice to forget a certain people
she took it with anger and then after she couldn't bear it all any more she broke the it
she still doesn't remember everything

bethy - sad

sade - that is more than likely half the reason i don't remember the other is the anxiety lol
it effects everything i do i am constantly forgetting things the worst being picking up things that have jsut come out of the oven because i've forgotten is the worst lol
bethy i see such horrible things
you know these bad things that i have been seening with the people that have been doing the worst of the worst things
i think they are being recruited
they'll be who we face
and i don't want any of you to have to face them alone

bethy - evil recruiting? im not suprised, creating an army is a logical way to go hunting

sade - its not an army

bethy - do you know who we are going to face?

sade - its a work force

bethy - like mercinaries for hire?

sade - they will be the ones that will famr from us
this place that is going to try to take us they will be waiting
any and all who take great pleasure at torturing a persons soul is welcome
i think i'm starting to understand why i see things

bethy - so they are going to make a factory and bring us there?

sade - sort of like that

bethy - then why then
it explains alot

sade - they want our fear and hatred and all the other emontions that come with what a place like that will do to you
the veil hasn't fallen yet
they want your soul
yes there are a few that can try now
but its when the veil falls that its going to be ten times worse

bethy - so your saying the door is open but the veil needs to be fallen for the real action to start?

sade - pretty much
they can get to us in dreams at the moment
but there will be none of that once it falls
thats the veil i think
what protects us in our waking moments well mostly
if that makes sense

bethy - we should talk to matt about this, this isnt good at all and it lets us see farther down the rabit hole

sade - you see when it falls the majority of people will be unaffected by it directly
some like us
will be engulfed by it
since we know and fear it
others will be engulfed by it in a different way a way of aid for then to attack the others
through those peoples attacks of violence what ever is after all this negitive energy becomes stronger
our only hope of not being pulled into it is to be chain
when one person is pulled there are other links there to keep them in place
it is the only why we have any hope of doing anything about it

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Welcome and HELLOW

Hellow Guys welcome to Beyond the Veil and Us. This is our first post ever and I hope you can enjoy our website and discuss in a civilized manner topics that the majority of the people are not aware of or are just not speaking of. Your guys are welcome to add any opinions or any topics we should hit on. People of all walks of life are welcome here to be hopefully awaken from their slumber and in time to be prepared for any up coming events that life has in store for the human race.